Thu 09 Jan
I am the BEST investment for your mind, body & soul! Receive a GREAT return.... New Pics - 41
(Where you need me!)
Hottt Sinful Jessie its Friday Nite .. Aval NOW!.. Finest in Town . .. - 30
(Central Pinellas County)
❤ _____________ ❤ Happiness Consultant ❤ ____________ ❤ (100) - 43
(Pinellas Co, Pinellas Private Home Dunedin)
Gorgeous Mature Puurrffeecction ** Petite * Athletic Brunette * CAITLIN * TODAY * MON 10am- til 7pm - 40
(Pinellas Co, 727-744-9189 * LARGO * walkins)
🐈 gorgeous gents retreat ** beautiful INCALL only real pix.FREE animal rescue calenders🐈. - 23
(Pinellas Co, Tampa, tampa,palmharbour,us 19)
☪👄🔆💯👅➰👑⚜🔹❣💠💗👍 Come play inside 💞💝💘💗🔆🔅⚜🔱💠🌀 Kerri the Girl Next Door🔆💗➰👑👄☪👍👅🔱🌀💄 - 27
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, Tampa rocky point area)
B_ U_ S_ T_Y_ [Real F Cups] ▓ ▒ Big BuBBle BOOTY_ CURVY_ Irish/Italian__ **Great REVIEWS ▓ NEW Pics! - 24
(Hillsborough Co, WESTSHORE ▓ Airport Area_ *Incall*)
AsIaN miXeD bAby ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥100% rEaL PiX. outcall §pecials ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.. Asia 863..`216..`7532 - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa/Casino/N.St.Pete/Beaches/0utCall$)
((Available Now)) Fulfill Your Sweet Tooth Cravingz With An Exotic Treat... 60 special - 22
(Hillsborough Co, (incall)Brandon)
$$8O Hh InCall Spcls 💋💋 LAST NIGHT IN TOWN! 💋💋 Mixed,Petite HOTTiE (%1OO ME OR ITS FREE) - 21
(Hillsborough Co, IN&OUT; ((Dale Mabry/Kennedy)))
**:•.♥ •:*¨¨* A ♥ ReAl ♥ PlaYFuL ♥ BrUnEtte BeAuTy *:•.♥ •:*¨¨** - 23
(BRANDON [[[UPSCALE INCALL]]], Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
Apply in person!! Accepting applications for full time playmate with full benefits! - 38
(Pinellas Clearwater Beaches, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
Unbelievably Huge TS - Dream - Get- What - You Pay -For!!! 12" inches -BARBIE CUM-ACTION - 22
Highly Skilled* 12Inches* New in town *Party with me♥ 36D'SAvailable now - - - 25
(Tampa, Clearwater/St. Peterburg)
Wait!! There's One More Gift Under Your Tree!--Hot sexy Amy - 46
(Pinellas Co, S Pasadena/St.Petersburg/Gulfport, Tampa)
$$$ur dream her nightmare$$$ call sinett (813-900-0697) Clearwater.1oo$ spe - 19
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater)
♛♥Tampa's Favorite SWEETHEART!!♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅ 2 Girl SPECIAL ONLY 180!♥'▆██▆▅▃♥Great Reviews!♛ 80 - 37
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Airport Location)
Sexy NEW PICS!! *** Ur #1 Girl Back By Popular Demand *** Wide Open ALL WEEK ;) **** - 24
SeXy LeXy** All Inclusive GFE! Curvy & Busty (38DDD) Natural! Check out my NEW PICS! 100 Kisses! - 29
(N. St. Pete (min. off 275) Incall Only)
💋 new pic💖 im everything you can imagine and more 🌹 80 special New Pic - 26
(Hillsborough Co, tampa airport)
★NEW -×|×- PICS★ •°ORIENTAL°• MiX_} ~/~ #Discreet #Unrushed #Hot&Steamy; Companionship♥ - 24
(Hillsborough Co, INCALLS::Tampa/Fairgrounds [&] OUTCALLS!)
M I X E D - W I T H - T H E - B E S T ! ! W H I T E- G I R L - WITH A BLACK SHAPE~ 813-952-6897 ~ - 24
(brandon / valrico / seffner /incall only)
CHAÈL*Your First Choice* Pure Sexyness*Perfect 38DDs* - 36
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, Wesly Chapel/Tampa)
◤◢◤◢◤◢CALL ME NOW ☎☎☏☎☏• C0ME RELAX ❤▄❤...* I'LL TAKE *•:.•★▄★•:.• CARE OF YOU*◢ ◤◢◤◢ - 18
{Big BooB}(๏人๏)DaNGERous CuRVes ---> Nice all over --->°•TrULy UnForgetable~TODAY only 100 Special - 28
(Pasco Co, Hudson / 19)
75ONLY In/Out-Callsn 75ONLY ** New to The Life* Ms Seven is a 10! ~ I want you to Be My First ~ ** - 18
(Tampa, St. Pete, Bandon, Lutz, Clearwate)
+++++ 120- hour (*) BLACK HAIR (*) BLUE EYES (*) 38DD's & BIG BOOTY ^ FLAT TUMMY ^^ 160lbs ^ - 25
(Pasco Co, Holiday - New Port Richey _ MY BED)
** LaSt DaYs In FlOriDa ** Fendi the ULTIMATE fantasy (TAMPA) - 20
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa/ INCALLS)
☏ Have an EXPLOSIVE weekend & call me ☏ If you dare! ... I'm Highly addictive! ❤Delicious $pecials❤ - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Fairgrounds♥Casino Area♥301 ★ INCALL ★)
Anxious and eyed beauty~ classy & cute ... call ~ Chloe ~ 727~953 ~2182 ~* - 23
(Pinellas Co, tampa*pinellas*beaches /us.19 and park)
HELLO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston's #1 REDHEAD Ready To ROCK You RIGHT ! ! - 31
(Hillsborough Co, Airport Area/ West Shore Rd)
BOOTY, BOOBS and Beauty! New pics! THICK & CURVY BREE! TAMPA EAST, Fairgrounds! All weekend! - 23
(Tampa East, Mango, exit 10 off I-4)
NEW In Town ! Just A sweet gIRL nEXTdOOR ! oUTcAlls For You ! - 20
(OutCalls ( Tampa/Clearwater/&More;)
Naughty NEVER looked this nice!!! Click here if you require the BEST!!!! - 29
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, St. Pete, Clearwater)
Monday extr@v@g@nz@ with Amber & Alexis come and get it!!!!$160 for both!! - 29
(Pinellas Co, Clearwater/Largo Incall)
***** " JACKPOT! And it just got better & better... " Find out how NOW! - 25
❥↝ INCALL ↜ ♥ Palm Harbor ● Hot, Mature, Busty, Blonde ▪ BRANDY 727-433-8969 ♥ - 34
(Pinellas Co, Palm Harbor / Tarpon Springs)
UpScALe Ebony PuertoRican GFE ☆ CERTIFIED FREAK ** celebrate my bday all wk - 21
(INCALL/ Outcall To All of Tampa Bay)
Cute , Sexy , & Hot I"m The Real Deal ! Better Than The Rest ! (Drug Free !) No Fake Here ! In/Out ! - 24
(clearwater airport st.pete, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
BLonDEs "Vs" BrUnEttES !! **75=15 Mins &125 H/HR Rate, ~~(300=HR SPECIAL 180)~~GIRLS RATED**SEXY - 21
BesT call U could EVER make-let's end the weekend off with a BANG!!!! - 24
$70 Special {VISITING} {JaWDrOPPInG} {SUPER SExY & ExOTiC MiXED GiRL} {ReaL PiCs} 407 953 9947 - 21
(Tampa off fowler near busch garden/usf)
$80 δpεc¡als 💋❀°ΑβδσLϑτεlγ Lσνεαβle Big Booty•💋✈❀°βσdγ Fiηε αδ ωιNε💋✈• δκιΝ δΜσστΗ αδ δ¡lk°❀💋 - 24
(Brandon Rd.60 Falkenburg Adamo Dr., Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
•♛•* 【§€XY】 ❤ 【G✪RG €✪U§】 *•♛•* 【§W€€T €§CÅP€】 ❤ *•♛•* 【B✪MB§H€LL】 - 32
(Hillsborough Co, INCALL Only)
░▒▓ •★ • SIMPLY ❤ THE BEST• ★• ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤• UP ALL NITE •❤* ░▒♥•★ SEXY 36DD ★•♥• ▓▒░ *❤.•* DISCRETE *• - 29
(Pinellas Co, OUTCALLS ❤ **2** GIRL SPECIAL❤ REAL 36D)
BREATHTAKING ** CORIE ** Tall, Thin Long Gorgeous Hair ** LARGO * I'll be back SAT-WED - 26
(Pinellas Co, * 727-391-5511 * kisses c u soon)