Thu 02 Jan
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off!
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, 1)
PeTiTe & SwEeT* uPsCaLe~ Ebony~ WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuiReS ° ILL DEliVeR °° yOUr DeSirEs °° - 21
(Hillsborough Co, Airport/stadium area)
Open minded, Fetish Friendly with a Gorgeous Body - 19
(Fort Myers, Lakeland, Sarasota, Tampa, anywhere you want me!)
Only in town for tonight ! Mind bllowing experience!🔥💦 blue eyed model💙 CALL ME NOW!❤️ - 18
(Pinellas Co, Saint Petersburg, Tampa)
NEW PICS!!! 40qv!! Unforgettable skills! Satisfaction guaranteed! 8*1*3*5*3*2*0*7*0*6 - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Stadium/airport area, Tampa)
Hello, I'm Vanessa ** NEW GIRL ** Mature , * reasonable * PALM HARBOR * WED 1/18 * 5pm -2am - 38
(Pinellas Co, ** VANESSA ** 727-786-1144)
☼ HaWt TaNTriC FuN w/KaShMiR ☼ *~*♥80 KisSes♥ 813/506-8828 TaMpA /IN - 34
♥☆★ Crazy Unbelievable Specials ☆★ Feeling Naughty ★80●100●170●New Location☆♥ - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, tampa & brandon)
$$$$ Beyoncè is here$$$$ Beyoncè is in Tampa $$$$ Call Now 863-808-6855 $$$$ - 19
(Hillsborough Co, Where u want me to be)
813-446-3248 COME spend an hour NO RUSH 75rose special I GOT THAT SPECIAL TOUCH - 34
(Hillsborough Co, TAMPA)
$╚» ••°°80•°° «╝ THiS °°•(N@$ty)•°° ASIAN REdHeaD GETS REAL K.i.N.K.Y ° °•80$•SpecialS - 19
I KNoW WhaT U ReaLLy WaNteD 4 FaTHeR's DaY! A PeTiTe BLoND BoMBSHeLL PLaYMaTe w NiCe A$$ & a SeCReT! - 19
ROCHELLE The Hot Wet Blonde to play with from 1:00 pm till 10:00 thursday the 29th - 33
(indian rock beach)
F*U*C*K* her come play with me those boring days are over.. 60 rose q.s./100 hhr - 32
(Hillsborough Co, Temple Terrace area off of Puritan Dr)
Colombians girls here to please you, No text please, in call only 813 323 4929 - 25
(Pasco Co, Tampa, Wesleychapel)