Mon 27 Jan
*** Early BiRD sPECial *** $150 Outcall Special Fella's **** HoT bRUnNeTte CuTiE ! - 24
(Outcall Only / No Incall's)
💎 E R O T I C 💋 E S C O R T 💎 B L O N D E 💋 B A R B I E 💎 3 6 D d 💋 $100 - 24
EBONY BEAUTY & 2-Girl Fantasy Available For Appointments..Call Me/No Text - 99
(Hillsborough Co, Outcall/Tampa)
#####___ @..,_., DROP This BLOMB Bombshell In Your LAP, Watch ME GO BOOM !!!!!!!! - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
Enjoy THE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE With This Well Reviewed DDD Blonde! (call for specials!) - 30
(Hillsborough Co, My HOUSE- Dale Mabry/stadium or outcall)
@ @ elite petite _(100)_ _ @specials@ @by APPOINTMENT only - 29
(Pinellas Co, us.....19.....pasco or pinellas)
Ebony Farrah!!★ Spinner!! Super Sexy BLACK!!! ★Experience A1!!! Call Now! ★(813) 358-3250★ - 29
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, Town N Country In/Outcall(813) 358-3250)
Early Bird Hard Worm Last Day!...NEW*Sexy BBW JUC!~ ... 42DDD .. Beauty w/enuff A$$ TO keep u ;-) - 33
DONT wait CALL me RIGHT NOW - LET'S END this WEEKEND off with a BANG- IM up 4 WHATEVER your UP 4 - 24
Enough FOOTBALL? ~ DOWN & DIRTY ~ Drama Free, HOT & Sexy Vixen in Tampa ~ 100/hr - 45
(Hillsborough Co, Private Upscale Location Central Tampa)
§EDUCT!VE__ ExOtIc__ *!*EBONY*__ *!*BOMBSHELL. .{$70 ROSE} §PEC!AL*!*__*!* UP LATE*!* 813 952 7557 - 20
(Tampa off fowler near usf/busch garden)
EBONY ---D@ hot L@DY-- DARK COCOA ---(come over 2 my apt. NOW!!!) 813-403-3104 *in/outcall+* - 20
Enjoy Your Saturday Afternoon Relaxing With Hot Sexy Blonde With 60 & 100 Incalls - 24
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
💋 Dont settle, Treat yourself! 💋 Incall Special 💋 US19 & Roosevelt💋 - 29
(Pinellas Co, St Pete /Clearwater / tampa, Tampa)
~~ **** Dont know anybody in town???**Have a wonderful time with Lexi!!! :) Text me Lexi *** - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Plant City/St.Petersburg/Tampa/Lakeland/)
Elegant and Sensual Outcall to Tampa Bay Business Travelers * Anneke Van Buren * MATURE - 61
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, Tampa Bay)
Early bird specials 50 Sexy thick Ebony bbw 813-475-1029 in/out call available - 25
(Pinellas Co, St.Pete Clearwater largo tampa, Tampa)
drippingreadyy cherry 40 special 💁💆 60_💰100 for 💋👅👄👣💚 - 21
(Pinellas Co, 54 ave North St Petersburg Florida)
Double Troubles now in HERNANDO!! New county, New clients!! **tonight incall special 150*also do ou* - 24
(Henando Co, SPRING HILL)
DON'T You Want To HAVE SOME Fun With An EXOTIC K..I..T...TY KAT.??? It's a W__E__T ,,, ONE !!!!!! - 31
(Hillsborough Co, tampa)
Don't * Be* Fooled* By* Fake* Pics! We* Are* 100%* REAL! 2* SexXxy* Girls* For 200*Kisses* INCALL - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa incall or outcall)
~~ ** Dont know anybody in town?*Wanna Have a wonderful time! Text me Daisy *** - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Plant City/Tampa/Lakeland/Zephryhills)
**Do You Want A new ADDICTION? Mandy (727) 565-3820 *160* S*U*I*R*T*E*R new pics - 25
Do ** You ** Want ** It ** N@UGHTY ** Or ** NICE? *ALLEY & MANDY* IN/OUTCALL ** For Only **260FH ** - 26
Dont miss out ... sexy blonde ready to make u feel special! - 24
(Hillsborough Co, westshore,stadium,airport {in/outcall})
~'`* DONT MISS THIS!! ((( B_E_S_T ___O_ N_ _T_H_E ___ L_I_S_T))) *`'~;~ - 24
(Outcall Tampa/Clearwater/St Pete etc)
* 🎯🎯🎯* DON'T YOU WANT !!! ------- 🎯🎯🎯{{ THE PERFECT CHOICE}} 🎯🎯🎯DOnT MiSS OuT::: * - 20
(Hillsborough Co, incall/outcall)
Dont Mean 2 TooT My Own Horn **** BUT..... TOOT TOOT ;) ***** NEW PICS!!! ****** Xoxoxo ******* - 28
**Do You Want A new ADDICTION?If So MANDY Feaky blonde (727)565-3820 * s*q*u*i*r*t*e* r - 25
DBL your Fun PARIS & BRAZILIA 7755728743, Double or Nothing... Available Now - 23
SeXy EbOnYWiTh DaNgErOuS CuRvEs ► ஐo100$ CUM TaKe a LOaD oFF °â¢oஐo - 19
(INCALL/ Outcall To All of Tampa Bay)
╚►D I G N I F I E D, _E D U C A T E D, _K I N K Y _P L E A S E R! ◄≡≡≡≡ - 36
(Hillsborough Co, Outcall to you!! :), Tampa)
❤Cutie Curvy Brooke!!!❤️READY FOR FUN!! 70 Rose Outcall❤ - 23
Cutie w/ the booty.... Tuesday Afternoon SPECIAL 70 *** GFE *** 36D ALL Natural!!! - 24
Dont get fooled today! Im back! Call me! Lets party! 125 outcall special! - 26
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa bay)
**** cute blonde **** **** petite **** ****always availabe**** **** Specials**** - 22
(Pinellas Co, us 19/park blvd)
Don't * Be* Fooled* By* Fake* Pics! We* Are* 100%* REAL! 2* SexXxy* Girls* For **160 Kisses**INCALL - 23
Diana, Goddess of the Forest +++ OUTCALL only ~(813) 375-1913~ - 39
(Hillsborough Co, All of Tampa Bay)
CUM Climb These MOUNTAINS DDD"S /Private Upscale Condo / 2 Lady incall special - 34
(pinellas county/seminole area)
Cuban Mami....Yum yum come to my Palace...Boyz im in St.pete limited time - 23
(Pinellas Co, in/out st.pete beaches)
D@MN.. D@MN.. D@MN.. Baby, I'm your medicine!!!! _____ taking appts for TONITE!!
(Tampa- 1-75 & Hillsborough)
dO U Think U Can Handle ME?Make The Call U Won't REGRET (727) 565-3820 160 S*Q*U*I*R*T*E* R 50 - 25
**Do You Want A new ADDICTION? Im UR Girl-incall /outcall (727)565-3820 ^ S^q^u^i^r^t^e^r NEW PIC - 25
@@@ CUM & Get A PIECE Of This BEAUTIFUL SECRET ,, ,,, Nice & HOT !!! - 23
Created for sinful pleasure 👅👅👅👅 you wanna experience my passionate skills? 💅💋🍸outcalls only - 21
(Sarasota, sarasota/outcall only hour notice)
Cristy girl... In/out/qv Mondays suck... although I suck better - 29
(Out/In sr 54 new port richey, Pasco Co, Tampa)
Created for sinful pleasure ☆ seductive skills ☆ sexiest in the city ☆ unlimited access!!!!! - 19
(Hillsborough Co, outcall)
Come Treat Yourself Don't Cheat Yourself! Discreet ,Mature,And Real.Leave With A Smile - 29
(Hillsborough Co, Seffner,Fairgrounds, I-4,Brandon,Dover, Tampa)
Come Start Your Week Off The Right With This Sexy Hot Blonde Running Hot 60& 100 Incall Specials - 24
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa)