Sat 11 Jan
FREAKY by NATURE ೋ KINKY by CHOICE ೋ ALL american .. WHITE .. DELIGHT 200special - 21
(Hillsborough Co, westshore by mall)
freakyy friday*!*!* Ms.Juciy the biig girl of your dreams *!*!* 60 roses - 22
(Hillsborough Co, busch blvd)
🍯🐝Get Sticky in My Honey Pot 🍯🐝 Sweetest Treat You'll Ever Meet 🍯🐝 Blonde Perfect Playmate - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa)
Friday's Are Best Here!! $100 flat rates" .... Best Looking Girls In Town by Far! - 20
(Sarasota, 1417 Cortez rd Bradenton)
G O N E @ N O O N ♥S U P A ♥♥ T H E B A D D E S T ♥♥ B E S T L I P S IN T H E C I T Y ♥♥ - 28
(Hillsborough Co, TAMPA IN/OUT)
~~~~get all of the attention u need 727-657-3378 ginger - 36
(Pinellas Co, pinellas county,clearwater)
Saturday Night/Sunday Morning Special with the Hottest Blonde on BackPage - Call Now I am Waiting!! - 23
(ALL of TAMPA BAY/Pinellas/Pasco)
(FLAT RATES!) HOT SEXY Seductive Ladies of Executive Nineteen... Come meet the new girl... Simone!! - 99
(Pinellas Co, Pinellas Park US 19 Gandy/Park Blvd area)
🍒 •📞• 🍒 Florida Girl 🍒📞🍒 RedHead Beauty with a Booty 🍒 •📞• 🍒 - 23
(Pasco Co, US 19 & ALT 19 Area close to BARE_ASSets)
::::: G o g e o u s - - - H a w a i i n ___HOTT ---- JESICCA __ ALBA __LOOK __ ALIKE ::::: - 20
(Del Mabry & Kennedy)
Finger Lickin' Good!! Super Sexy and Fun, Green-Eyed Brunette!! OUTCALLS - 33
(Pinellas Co, Pinellas County and Tampa Only!!)
*** Full Figured & Voluptuous *** ((( 6'1 w/ 40DDs ))) *** Catch me while you can *** - 28
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa/I-275/IC)
FR3@KY Ѽ BOttOM Y C@ND¥ TH!cK & ßѼ ѼiFuL Sp3CiaL$ VISITING - - 24
(Hillsborough Co, busch usf stadium casino i 275 i4 i75)
_▄ █ ☆█•: ▄___ ((( •♥• FRIDAY NITE SPECIALS NOW!! ♥• ))) ___▄ █ ☆ - 23
(Pinellas Co, outcall pinelles, hillsbourgh, pasco)
Final INTERACTION and ready for an EXPLOSION! Come JOIN me! PRIVATE APARTMENT 75 special - 25
(Hillsborough Co, brandon)
Fetishfriendly incall onlyBlossom bih (80hhr) 🍭🍬305-6007671 - 22
(Incall north St Petersburg, Pinellas Co, Tampa)
FUN, FLIRTY, BODYRUBS by Allie, LEAVE HAPPY! When's the last time some1 made ur toes curl? specials - 31
(Hillsborough Co, Brandon/Tampa IM THE REAL DEAL NO BS)
******* Delicious and Petite BLONDE.... Kissable and Playful ********* - 33
(Pinellas Co, INCALL St.Petersburg 22nd Ave N & MLK)
```E-A-R-L-Y- -B-I-R-D- -G-E-T-S- -T-H-E- -W-O-R-M- -S-P-E-C-A-I-L- 813) 952 6897 - 24
(tampa bay area/INCALL)
Do you suffer from weak shakey legs?? No, well you wanna?? See me now get ur own pair! available now - 31
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa/Brandon REAL DEAL NO BS HERE)
**Don't Miss Out !!**Awesome Specials*2 Girl Shows*Hot Blondes*Busty Burnettes* - 35
((Clearwater / Incall Only))
.*¨¨*-:¦:- * E X O T I C __ P L A Y M A T E* -:¦:-*¨¨*. - - 21
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa Outcalls)
Dependably Discreet.-Just One Definition of Our Secret** Mature Yet Youthful - 41
(North Pinellas/Palm Harbor)
Destiney is BACK and READY! HoTT BLONDE! Come GET what you NEED! - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Incalls ONLY:) *TAMPA* Armenia & Kennedy)
DETOUR HERE: Why WOULD U Choose UGLY @SS "HOs" w/ DISEASES and Piiimps JUST Because She Is "CHEAP"? - 69
☎☏DiPpEd In ChOcOlAtE & CaR@meL★°CrEaMy N WiLd NiGhTs★° ☎☏ S P E C I A L S! - 21
(Hillsborough Co, fowler/i275)
*° *¨¨* DEEP FRENCH KISSING a must READ for all! PAMPERING $60 1 hour *° *¨¨* - 22
Destiney is READY! HoTT BLONDE!💋 Come GET what you NEED! 8132514884 - 22
(Hillsborough Co, Incalls ONLY:) *TAMPA* Armenia & Kennedy)
💋❤️DONT MISS OUT, last nite in town for a while, the best experience w the total package💋❤️ - 22
(Pinellas Co, Pinellas, Clearwater, st Pete, largo)
💯%💎👍 E✖ΘTiC❥SEXY 👍💎👍—SUPER HOT— Upscale Service 👍💎👍ⓑⓤⓢⓣⓨ AMAZi₦G! 💎👍 - 23
(Hillsborough Co, Near casino, Tampa)
D*o*U*b*L*e T*r*O*u*B*l*E ****Getting into trouble has never been so much fun**** - 26
(Henando Co, Hudson)
*★*★* D€liCiOUS PU€RtO RiCAN MAMi *★* GOoD G¡Rl GoN€ B@D *★*★* - 21
(Hillsborough Co, international MALl/WESTShORE AIRPORT)
A.S.S M.E.N CALL ME ► ௵ $100hh 160hr OUTCALL SPECIAL! New Reviewed Cutie w/ BOOTY - 19
(Incall UpscaleUlmerton)
cutie with the big Booty. take a trip on the wild side.*SPECIALS* - 25
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa InCalls & OutCall)
~~Don't let the weather freeze you up....Let Me Warm U and Take Away That Unwanted Stress~~Only 60 - 25
(Outcall Only!)
Did y'all miss me? Well I missed you!! 8134249699 I'm ready - 29
(30th and Busch blvd, Hillsborough Co, Tampa)